
I am a Screenwriter and Screen writing Mentor. 


We are always surrounded by stories


For two consecutive years, the local Film Association reached out, seeking screenplays for their skills development program. Despite their requests, I regrettably had to decline due to prior commitments.

When they approached me for the third time, I realized this wasn't just about me anymore. The noticeable gap and shortage of local screenwriters became more apparent. Faced with a choice, I could either revel in being one of the few they could turn to or answer the call to foster more screenwriters in Eswatini. I made a bold decision: I not only stepped away from my formal role as a full-time TV Producer to pursue my passion for writing but also launched 'Kwasukasukela: The Swazi Story Project,' a screenwriters' skills development initiative.

Five years down the road, I find myself not only immersed in the role of a Screenwriter and Story Development Consultant but also, having successfully mentored eight screenwriters through the platform, I can confidently declare that The Swazi story is gradually unfolding.

I've tailored my own story rooms for each project's unique demands, and alongside these writers, we are beginning to craft more meaningful narratives that reimagine the African continent.

In the dance of words, we find the rhythm of our Swazi tales
