You are never too young (or old) to tell your story!

Batjele (2008)

Bloodlines (2010)


Drama series (2020)

The First story.

My earliest encounter with a television screen was in the '80s when I visited my mother's residence in college as a toddler. It was the terrifying image of an oncoming train! I ducked behind the couch, screaming for dear life, "I am dying!" Needless to say, I wasn't dying. However, that moment stayed with me and later shaped my understanding of the power of the moving image.

A few years later as I raced into my parents' lounge, excited to share some news, my parents shushed me because, as usual, they were busy around this time of the evening. News time was a sacred hour in our household, and the sooner one got in line, the sooner they dealt with their own misplaced insecurities of being a neglected child.

As I dragged my disappointed self out of the lounge, my gaze fell on the blonde blue-eyed newsreader on the screen (Cass Mamba the English News Bulletin reader on STBC).  What was this woman, who had my parents' undivided attention, doing? "She is a journalist," my mother responded, albeit absentmindedly. What I heard was, "to get my attention, be a journalist." And so the decision was made: this 8-year-old would become a journalist. And so, my journey into the world of media began! Thirty years on, I can safely say I am no longer doing it for my parents' attention. It is something I was born to do!

For details of this journey, click on the links: Detailed ResumeFilmography and Writing samples.

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened - Buddha

Telenovela (2023)

Drama series (2004)


Just because you are not typing, doesn't mean you are not writing.

Swazi Gold (2023)